
Yoga &


Find Out What Is Possible

Begin a transformative journey with The Golden Space, where every stretch and breath brings you closer to harmony.

Why Do Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that goes beyond mere exercise. It’s a holistic journey towards achieving balance between the mind, body, and soul. By embracing yoga, you embark on a transformative path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Suitable for everyone

Yoga is a universal journey of health and self-discovery, transcending age, fitness level, and experience.

Lose Weight

Combining mindful eating with the physical practice of yoga can create a powerful synergy that supports weight loss and body positivity.

Reduces stress

In today's world, finding a sanctuary from stress is more important than ever.

Raise your energy

If you're feeling lethargic or drained, yoga can be a natural energizer.

Train the mind

Like a workout for the brain, yoga challenges and strengthens the mind.

Balance hormones

Yoga's gentle, restorative poses and breathing exercises have a regulatory effect on the endocrine system, which is responsible for hormone balance.

Our Classes

At The Golden Space, our classes are a tapestry of diverse yoga practices designed to cater to all levels and preferences. Whether you’re a beginner taking the first step or an experienced yogi deepening your practice, we offer a range of classes that invite you to explore the depths of yoga in a supportive and nurturing environment. Discover the perfect class for you:

Yoga Trainers

At The Golden Space, our yoga trainers are the heartbeat of our sanctuary. Each brings their unique spirit, expertise, and passion for teaching, creating a diverse and enriching environment for all our practitioners.

Get Started


Discover your path to balance and rejuvenation. Join us at The Golden Space for a transformative yoga journey.

Cancel at any time. 100% money back guarantee.

Embrace the Journey to Wellness with The Golden Space

Contact Us

The Golden Space Yoga Studio 128 Serenity Lane, Asheville, NC 28801

(828) 555-0198

The Golden Space